Monday, February 16, 2009

Acne Causes

Absolutely the best advice on how to solve acne problems. According to Eastern Medicine, any skin problem (in particular, acne) is a reflection of a problem with certain internal organ. I do not mean problems with the skin during PMS - that is another story, but having acne at the same place over & over again speaks for a certain internal problem. By checking the area of acne appearance you can find out, what is wrong with certain internal organ. &, by fixing your diet & life style you can get rid of acne forever.

1. Forehead area - acne in this area speak for problems with your gall-bladder & irritated, overworked intestines - that may be the cause. Perhaps, your diet is full of sweetness, red meat, fat, concentrated fruit juices, sweet, soda, etc. Maybe you are abused with some drugs overtaking. Decision : Stop with all food, mentioned above. Drink more plain pure water. Juices must be only natural, fresh squeezed & half-dissolved with pure water. Eat more cabbage (to take out toxins). Birth control pills may cause acne - talk to your doctor to get another brand. Talk to herbalists or naturopathy - they can advise some herb cleansing teas to tidy gall-bladder & intestines.

2. Bridge of the nose area - it means that your liver is overused & cannot tidy itself. You may have much fried meat, milk, cheese, yogurt, or cottage cheese in your diet. Also, (important!), it means that you suppress your emotions, do not let them out, which causes the appearance of acne in this area. Decision: alter your diet, three times a week you can have "apple day", or "grape day". Try to stop milk products for one weeks. In addition, try to find the way to let your emotions out - you can cry them out, when & wherever you can, or use physical exercises to convert your unspoken emotions. Again, talk to herbalists or naturopathy to get herbs to tidy blood & lymph.

3. Area below the eyes - speaks for problems with kidneys & adrenalin glands. Not sleep, fatigue, constant stress & poor diet. Decision: Stop wasting your energy, slow yourself down, have some rest. Fruits, rich with Vitamin C (grapefruits, kiwi, & red pepper) will improve your health & nice mood. it is not a nice time to stay on a diet! Eat what you like & what you feel to eat. Talk to herbalists or naturopathy. about how to get rid of acne using herbs & cleansing.

4. Cheeks area - acne in this area, also on your chest, & on your back between shoulder-blades reflect the overwork of lungs. It speaks of heavy, bad imbalanced energy that does not have a way out. Decision: Your diet is rich with milk & sweet, not fruits. Perhaps, you smoke. there's not physical activity, internal energy. You may feel like you are needless. lots of teenagers who feel needless have acne in this particular area. Reduce use of milk products; eat more oatmeal, brown rice. Walk more ...and try to find someone, who cares about you & who you need to care about...

5. Tip of nose area - this area shows the possible problems with heart & blood technique. Decision: Imbalanced diet, not group of Vitamin B, lack of physical activities, constant anxiety or fear. Increase intake of meat, fish, green vegetables & fruits. Increase physical activity.

6. Lips & shoulders area - the entire gastric-intestinal process suffers. You may experience constipation or diarrhea, stomach or intestines pain. Decision: You may concentrate on sad thoughts, or you are sensitive. that is why the meal gets stuck inside or starts moving fast, so the body does not have time to digest it. Increase the intake of a fiber from fruits & vegetables, & try to stay calm. Use self-irony & meditation. three hour after the meal, drink green tea that cleans the technique.

7. Chin & lower jaw area - hormonal imbalance, problems with sexual life. much coffee & tea, maybe much alcohols. Lack of sleep, lots of conflicts. Decision: Reduce the intake of coffee, tea & alcohol. Have sleep. If there's a lots of acne in this area - see the gynecologist. Acupuncture, herb teas, cleansing will dramatically help.

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