Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Skin Care Tips to Be Acne Free

The best way to get rid of acne is by preventing its appearance. Keep your face clean and maintain a good and healthy lifestyle. This way, you won't give any reasons for acne to thrive on your skin. If you already have existing acne, you first need to eliminate the current blemishes and other pimples. Here are just a few tips to treat them so they would disappear and not multiply.

First of all, when you see a small pimple, try to avoid the temptation of popping it. Popping it can cause it to multiply as it can spread the infection underneath the skin and the next morning you'd find dozens of them on your face! If ever you do pop a zit, make sure you wash it with soap and water or some alcohol to avoid the risk of infection.

Second, wash your face morning and night using mild soap or facial wash. You need to keep your face clean but you don't need strong cleansers to do this. Stay with the mild ones so you would avoid irritation.

Third, choose the right toner. Toner is the new astringent as it's a lot gentler to the skin. After washing your face, apply facial toner.

Fourth, exfoliate. Don't exfoliate your skin everyday! Exfoliate every three days and use a gentle scrub. Don't use a product that once used would make your face feel like it's been scrubbed by sandpaper. Your facial skin is really sensitive and it can't handle such beating. Be gentle with it.

Lastly, get enough sleep. Not enough sleep can cause pimple breakouts so make sure you get 8 hours of sleep a night. Sleep is a very important thing as it reduces your stress level. Stress influences acne breakouts so in order to reduce your stress level, get some sleep! When you have plenty of sleep, you don't only get rid of acne but you feel much happier too!

As we saw in the beginning of this article, prevention is one of the key to your victory against acne. You can now find acne treatments that kill the acne bacteria and prevent it from growing and spread to other areas. These kits can also take care of your skin from the inside. Indeed, supplements, combined to common gels and creams, are very helpful to balance your body when your system and hormones are doing their work, unfortunately resulting in acne as one side effect. A pimple needs 2 to 3 weeks to actually be visible at the surface of your skin. By attacking acne from the inside you prevent future spots to appear. Your acne treatment creams are then more effective to clean your skin from external impurities and leave your skin clear.

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